Everyone wants to save a little money here and there if they can. One place that commercial properties often look to cut costs is landscaping. It makes sense, at least in theory. Landscaping is after all purely aesthetic, or that’s what many people think. While the overall reasoning to have a landscaper is for aesthetic purposes there are other important aspects that proper landscaping addresses and it can even help your business grow.
Maintain your Property
The overall landscaping of your property can have a bigger impact on the structure than you may realize. With proper landscaping we can help maintain your property for longer.
Water is one of the biggest culprits for destroying buildings. Most of this comes in the form of surface water, or water that collects after it rains. This water can destroy foundations, find its way into your building, bring down retaining walls, and cause a variety of other big problems for your business. A good landscaping company will help you manage water runoff and keep your building in good condition for years to come.
Another beautiful but potentially hazardous feature of your landscape are your trees. If these are not properly maintained, they can become a disaster waiting to happen. Unhealthy trees may drop branches or even fall unexpectedly. To the untrained eye they may even appear to be healthy. This is why it’s so important to have a regular landscaper who can keep an eye on all of these aspects and let you know when problems are developing.
Protect your Investment
Having landscaping put in is not a cheap investment. We’re sure you’re aware of this. So, don’t allow all of that work and money go to waste by not protecting that investment.
Weeds may not seem like a big deal to you, and you might think of skipping having them removed. After all, most of them get cut down every time you mow the grass, right? The problem with this is that it becomes a self-defeating strategy. Weeds grow faster than grass and therefore you’ll need to cut your lawn more often to keep it looking good. Additionally, weeds spread quickly and, in the future, removing large amounts of weeds from your lawn will result in a patchy lawn until the healthy grass can grow back.
Again, pruning trees doesn’t seem like a big deal but it really is. Your landscaper will let you know when it’s time to have your trees pruned. If done properly and at the right time this will keep your trees healthy and prevent problems later on.
Attracts Business
Back to the aesthetic purposes of landscaping, you can’t forget how much of an impact it has on your business. It’s the first thing that people see when they come to your building. If they see weeds, overgrown grass, and trees with dead unhealthy branches they are likely to think that you don’t have the funds to properly care for your property. While that’s not the case, and you’re simply trying to be a wise business owner, perception really is everything.
Some of these simple practices of landscape maintenance will help protect your property, investment, and business going forward. We understand that everyone wants to save money when and where possible. However, we encourage you to think about the potential downside of cutting your landscape budget. When working with the right team who you trust you can find a happy medium that allows you to get the most out of your budget while also giving you the most for your business.