What Florida Plants Blooming in November
If you are new to Florida full time, you might be wondering what plants bloom through out the year. Here are a few Florida plants blooming in November. We are your Southwest Florida experts with trees and landscaping. We look forward to getting to know you and make your property look amazing. Below are three, Florida friendly, plants currently blooming along the Gulf Coast of Florida.
Saltbush (Baccharis halimifolia)
This is our first on the list of Florida plants blooming in November.Saltbush’s shrubby habit allows it to blend into the background in most landscapes. It is rarely recommended by either garden designers or landscape architects. However, it deserves a place in the foreground of many naturalized landscapes. It is a useful shrub or small tree for reclaiming wet sites and can be used around retention ponds and basins. Saltbush is resistant to salt sprays, and thus useful in seaside plantings. Learn more about Saltbush.
Silk-Floss Tree (Ceiba speciosa)
Imagine a rounded canopy adorned with thou- sands of large, starry, fleshy, pink flowers on leaf- less branches. This has to be one of the most spectacular flowering trees on the planet. Most trees begin to lose their leaves in September, in preparation for their stunning flower display. After flowering, the trees remain leafless until March, at which time they again suddenly explode, this time in green leaves. Learn more about the Silk-Floss Tree.
Christmas Senna (Cassia bicapsularis)
This is our third on the list of Florida plants blooming in November. A true chameleon, this sprawling shrub can morph into a clambering vine or be coaxed into a small unsteady treelet. Each year, it seems that the entire population of Senna pendula blooms simultaneously so that there is a loud shout of yellow over a wide geographic area. The precise time of seasonal flowering may vary from year to year so that in some years, early November heralds the best colors, while in the successive year, late December becomes the showiest period. Learn more about the Christmas Senna.
Punta Gorda Lawn Care and Landscaping
Beautiful Boundaries Lawn Care and Landscaping of Punta Gorda is locally owned. We have decades of local experience. Many time when people first move to Florida they buy and plant shrubs, trees and plants that don’t always work the best. This could be the amount of sun, shade, soil type, pH and much more. We can help you understand what will work for your property and settings. This list of Florida plants blooming in November, is just a snippet of the vast knowledge we have and use to help you have an amazing yard. Contact us today for a free Lawn Care and Landscaping consultation.